【2025年2月最新】 ネトフリ(Netflix)でジブリを見る方法、VPNでNetflixを見る手順と注意点

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[2024 Latest] Comprehensive Comparison of 45 Recommended VPN Companies! The Ultimate App for Individuals, Chosen Based on 379 Reviews!


Reputation for communication speed Many Japanese users and friendly support. Many Japanese users and friendly support. ExpressVPN is recommended for beginners and people who want to use it in their general life.
Official: Fast, secure, and anonymous VPN service|ExpressVPN

Fee: 907 yen/month and up

3-month free trial available


Supports many video distribution services This is for people who watch video sites and play games. If you watch video sites or play games, this is for you. If you sign a multi-year contract, the price is the best.

Official:NordVPN Cyber security barriers provide peace of mind. Up to 69% discount on 2-year plans + 3-month extension

Fee: 375 yen/month and up

30-day free trial available

wall cat VPN

Official: KABENEKO – Safe, secure, high-speed Internet environment worldwide

Excellent balance of price and communication quality. This is the VPN provided by a Japanese company. This is the No.1 VPN in our ranking of our favorite VPNs.

338 yen/month~

30-day money back guarantee.

VPNs are used in many ways by different people.

There are truly a wide variety of uses: to secure communications, to access Japanese communications from abroad, to use foreign communications from Japan, to break through Chinese Internet restrictions, and so on.

Therefore, in this article, I will introduce my recommendations for VPNs that I have actually used abroad and a comparison of recommended VPNs by purpose of use.

The strongest VPNs that can be used by individuals with peace of mind We have seriously researched 45 VPN apps in search of the best VPNs, and we hope you will find this ranking useful.


Take advantage of VPN!

Logo image of ExpressVPNNordVPN logo imageLogo image for KabeNeko VPNSekai VPN logo imageWatermelon VPN Logo ImageMirren VPN Logo ImageRyonosuke VPN logo imageAtlasVPN LogoSurfsharkVPN logo imageCyberGhostVPN logo image
nameExpressVPNNordVPNwall cat VPNSekai VPNWatermelon VPNMillen VPNYoshinosuke VPNAtlasVPNSurfsharkVPNCyberGhostVPN
recommended ranking1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
5th place
6th place
7th place
8th place
9th place
10th place
comprehensive evaluation9.9 points9.8 points9.8 points9.6 points9.5 points9.3 points9.2 points9.2 points9.2 points9.1 points
ease of usehighesthighesthighestgoodhighestgoodgoodgoodgoodgood
Number of usersnumerousnumerousnumerousnumeroususuallyusuallynumeroususuallyusuallyusually
communication speedhigh speedhigh speedhigh speeda little slowearly (in the day, etc.)early (in the day, etc.)early (in the day, etc.)early (in the day, etc.)high speedhigh speed
Video distribution supportnumerouswealthfewfewwealthnumerousnumerousnumerousnumerousnumerous
China Supportinstabilityincompatiblestrongstrongstronginstabilitystrongpossibleinstabilityincompatible
Number of simultaneous connections5 units3 units4 units3 units47 units10 units2 unitslimitlesslimitless7 units
Smartphone/PC/TabletAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supported
iOS/AndroidAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supportedAll supported
securitypeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mindpeace of mind
Support Atmospherecarefulusuallycarefulcarefulusuallyusuallyusuallycarefulusuallyusually
Japanese Language SupportChat OnlyChat Onlyallallallallallincompatibleincompatibleincompatible
Charge907 yen and upFrom 374 yenFrom 480 yen1,100 yen788 yen and up968 yen and upFrom 850 yen241 yen and up338 yen and upFrom 320 yen
free trial (e.g. of software, game, etc.)3 months30-day money back guarantee14 days2 months1 month30-day money back guarantee1 week3 months30-day money back guarantee4 months
Official SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial SiteOfficial Site
Comparison of recommended VPN services

Recommendation No. 1

Free 3-month trial for 3 months for free!

Table Of Contents


Comparison of recommended VPNs by purpose of use

Objective.Recommended VPNsmonthly amount (sum)Official Site
cost-effectivewall cat VPNFrom 480 yenhttps://wallcats.net/
High communication speedNordVPNFrom 374 yenhttps://nordvpn.com/
Video service supportNordVPNFrom 374 yenhttps://nordvpn.com/
Ease of use of the applicationExpressVPN907 yen and uphttps://go.expressvpn.com/c/5658766/1635413/16063
Comfort level with the gameExpressVPN907 yen and uphttps://go.expressvpn.com/c/5658766/1635413/16063
The operator is trustworthy.Sekai VPN1,100 yenhttps://www.interlink.or.jp/service/sekaivpn/
Number of simultaneous connectionsWatermelon VPN788 yen and uphttps://www.suika-v4.com/
I want to use it in Chinawall cat VPNFrom 480 yenhttps://wallcats.net/
Comparison of recommended VPNs by purpose of use

Recommended VPNs for use abroad

How to use a VPN and enjoy it cheaply

海外からパリオリンピック2024の日本語配信をリアルタイム生中継で見る方法は?無料アプリを使ってお得に楽しむ方法 海外からパリオリンピック2024の日本語配信をリアルタイム生中継で見る方法は?無料アプリを使ってお得に楽しむ方法

What is VPN?

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that creates private Internet communications. Since the communication is private VPN is a service that allows you to create private Internet communications. VPN is characterized by the following features.

For example, when you go from your house to a certain destination, it is like going through your own secret tunnel (VPN) to get to your destination instead of walking on a public road (Internet).


VPNs are used a lot by companies too.

How VPNs work


How do you make your own tunnel?

Next, a brief introduction to how VPNs work: a VPN has Three elements The first two are


This is the process of creating your own secret tunnel. This isolates your data from other data on the Internet and cannot be seen by others.


It is the process of encapsulating your data in a special capsule. This further protects your data so that even if your communications are intercepted, their contents will not be known.


This process further obfuscates the encapsulated data. If someone gets hold of your data, this encryption makes it very difficult for them to decrypt its contents.


VPNs make our usual Internet communication secure by protecting it with the above three steps.

In other words, communications using a VPN are sent securely to their destination through a secret tunnel, and cannot be seen by anyone along the way.


What we have introduced here is the structure of an “Internet VPN” used as a personal VPN. There are actually four types of VPNs, so please read the ” Types of VPNs ” section for more detailed information.

Who needs a VPN?

Using a VPN is recommended for people who

  • People who use public WiFi
  • People who want to remove regional restrictions on communication
  • Remote Workers
  • People who handle sensitive information

Because using a VPN will keep your communication secure, If security is important to you, it is recommended to use a VPN. VPN is recommended if security is important to you.

For example, as mentioned above, VPNs should be used to protect communications even when using weakly secured public WiFi or when conducting company business at home or elsewhere.

These days, many companies list “VPN connection” as a mandatory item in their remote work manuals. This is another mechanism to prevent corporate information from leaking outside the company.

Also,In countries or regions with Internet access restrictions, such as China, VPNs can be used to break through access restrictions VPNs can be used to break through access restrictions.

How to choose a VPN

There are many types of VPNs. The following are some tips for choosing the right VPN for you.


There are so many different types of VPNs that it’s really confusing…


You can narrow it down to three choices if you don’t get hung up on the details!

Select by Personal or Corporate Use

First, distinguish whether this VPN search is for your personal use or for your company.

VPNs are available in individual and corporate plans.

The plans for individuals have a limited number of simultaneous connections. Therefore, they may not be suitable for companies with a large number of users. On the other hand, corporate plans are more expensive and not suitable for small individuals.

This article is about VPNs for individuals. If you are looking for a corporate VPN, please send us an inquiry from their respective official websites.


This article is based on personal experience!

Select by communication speed

A few things to keep in mind when choosing a VPN, Transmission speed is the speed of communication.

Using a VPN slows down communication speeds; as described in How VPNs Work, VPNs apply three protections to Internet communications, which inevitably reduce the speed below that of the original communication.

Frankly, no VPN will exceed the original speed.


The communication speed can’t be helped…

YouTube would also freeze at 1080p (highest quality), so I always tried to reduce the quality when watching. Or, some people downloaded movies they wanted to watch while they slept at night.

However, I have no trouble exchanging text messages, and sending images in LIINE was fine.

Furthermore, VPN companies understand the demands of their users, so they offer services that emphasize communication speed.

On the other hand, VPNs that are just cheap may be too slow to be useful, Be sure to focus on reviews of communication speed.

Choose by low price

There are paid and free VPNs, Basically, everyone uses a paid VPN. The reason for this can be found in the “Difference between Paid and Free VPNs” section. Please read the section ” Difference between Paid VPN and Free VPN ” to find out why.

Paid VPN The price is about 1,000 yen per month per month.

It is often cheaper to pay for multiple months or years than to pay for any VPN on a monthly basis. In addition, you may be able to use it for about a month with a free trial at first.

So. Try a few free trials first and pay for the ones you think are really good. I recommend that you do so.

Select by ease of use of the application

We recommend that you choose a VPN that is easy to use for your application.

VPN is basically turned on and off using an application.This means that every time you use the VPN, you will use the application.

If that application is difficult to use, it will always be a hassle.

The ease of use of the apps varies from person to person, It is recommended to use the free trial period to try out several apps. It is recommended to use the free trial period to try out a few apps.


Let’s actually use it!

For example, ExpressVPN is very easy to use because the button is displayed in large size and can be switched on and off with a single tap of this button.

ExpressVPN Operation Screen

Select by the number of servers in the country you use

For those who want to use VPNs in a slightly geeky way, pay attention to the country servers you use.

For example, Netflix (Netflix) allows you to watch Ghibli films only from abroad. In such cases, by connecting to Internet communications in the country where Ghibli is broadcast, You can watch the overseas-only distribution while in Japan.

  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Turkey
  • Germany
  • Spain

In many other cases, changing the country of Internet access can be more convenient than using Japanese telecommunications.

Focus on geo-block (regional restrictions)

A VPN can also be used to break through geo-blocking (regional restrictions).

For example, Google-related services are not available in China. Using a VPN to connect to communications outside of China will prevent you from being affected by the access restrictions that China has set.

This is not limited to China only; there are services in Japan and other countries that have access restrictions, so using a VPN is recommended if you want to use those services.

超簡単!日本からNetflix(ネトフリ)でジブリ作品を観る方法は?無料あり 【2025年2月最新】 ネトフリ(Netflix)でジブリを見る方法、VPNを利用してNetflixを見る手順と注意点

Select by number of users and rating

Another trick is to choose a VPN that is highly rated and has many users.

Let’s take a look at popular VPNs based on a survey conducted by Street Literature, Inc.

Results of a survey of VPN users by Street Literature, Inc.
Results of a survey of VPN users by Street Literature, Inc.

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Points to keep in mind when choosing a secure VPN


On the other hand, are there any VPNs that we should not choose?


VPNs whose safety cannot be guaranteed, Do not choose a VPN, no matter how affordable it is!

When choosing a VPN, the most important thing to consider is whether you can trust the VPN.

A VPN is a private communication. By analogy, it was your own secret tunnel.

But if there were hidden cameras in those tunnels…

Anything that passes through that tunnel will be passed to the operator. The content of your messages, your passwords, your credit card information.



Reliability is vital for VPNs.

So here are three points to consider when choosing a safe VPN.

Choose a VPN with a no-log policy

When choosing a VPN, No-Log Policy Choose a VPN that has a no-log policy.

No-Log Policy is a policy whereby the VPN operator does not keep any records (logs) of user activity. no-log policy” means that the VPN operator does not keep any records (logs) of user activities. This includes the transfer of data on which websites users access, which services they use, and what data they transfer. This includes information such as which websites users access, which services they use, and how much data they transfer.

A “log” is a record. For example, when you go to the library and borrow a book, the library computer records which book you borrowed and when you borrowed it. That is a “log.

A “no-log policy” refers to a policy of not keeping any “logs,” or records. In the library example, this means that we do not keep any records of which books you have checked out. So if someone later wants to know, “What did this person read?” the library can only answer, “We don’t know. The library will have to say, “We don’t know,” because it never recorded that information in the first place.


So you get your privacy!

The same goes for a “no-log policy” in VPN services. They do not log anything you see on the Internet or send any information. So if someone asks you later, “What did this person do on the Internet?” the VPN service can only answer, “We don’t know.

This allows for privacy.

Choose a reliable management company

The number one factor when choosing a VPN is the reliability of the company.

I mentioned earlier that you should choose a VPN that has a no-log policy, In fact, not all VPN services really have a “no-log policy” in place.

It is also true that there are bad companies that ostensibly say they have a no-log policy but are actually logging.

So, the VPN is operated by a company’s reliability, reputation among users, and track record of operation and reputation of the VPN company to determine if it is reliable.


It’s a bit of a gray world.

The key to distinguishing between the two is often judged by looking at the number of Japanese users and the company’s operating history.

Among them, Sekai VPN is a well-established Japanese company, so we feel very secure.

Choose a VPN with a large number of users

Choosing a VPN with a large number of users is another important consideration.

This is because they are well informed. If it were a VPN with many users, just a little problem would cause a lot of people to make a fuss, It is easy to grasp the current status of the problem and the management’s response. It is easy to grasp the current status of the problem and the management’s response.

And since expatriates often share the topic of VPNs, it is clear that they have been chosen after considerable comparison when everyone is using them.


The large number of users is a sign of popularity!

Use a paid VPN as much as possible

Finally, a simple trick to identify a safe VPN is to use a paid VPN as much as possible.

Because when comparing paid VPNs to free VPNs, paid VPNs are by far the most difficult to mine. because

Operating a VPN is time-consuming. Operating a VPN is costly, from maintaining servers to keeping up with the latest communication conditions in each country.

I suspect that there is something behind the free provision of such VPN services.

In fact, there have been cases of companies offering free VPNs secretly collecting customer information and selling that information.

Therefore, it is important to remember that no matter how good the service is, there are certain risks associated with free VPNs.

Advantages and disadvantages of VPN implementation

Now that we have introduced a lot about VPNs, let us summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using a VPN.

Advantage 1. Safeguard the security of your Internet connection.

The advantage of using a VPN is, after all, that it protects the security of your Internet connection.

Because using a VPN prevents information from leaking outside the company, When conducting company business outside the office VPN is recommended when conducting company business outside the office.

Also, When using public free WiFi, where the risk of hacking is high You can also use a VPN to protect yourself from being hacked.

Be sure to have a VPN ready, especially if you have no choice but to use free WiFi abroad.

Advantage 2. Access to communications outside the country.

The second advantage of using a VPN is that you can use any regional communication you want, regardless of where you are.

Normally, when you connect to WiFI in Japan, you are connected to the Internet communications deployed in Japan. However, when you connect to a VPN, You can choose your favorite local connection. You can choose your favorite local connection.

For example, you can use the Japanese Internet while in China, or use Australian telecommunications while in the United States.

This allows you to be unaffected by Internet restrictions set in that region or to access content that is available only in certain areas.

Disadvantage 1. Costly

The first disadvantage of VPNs is the cost.

There are both paid and free VPNs, but as mentioned in the section on ” Points to Consider in Choosing a Safe VPN,” it is best to assume that you are basically using a paid VPN.

The cost of VPN is, About 1,000 yen/month The cost of a VPN is about $3,000/month.

If you think that one lunch expense each month will make your daily communications more secure, you can probably discount it as a necessary communication expense.


I guess the VPN monthly fee is now part of the phone bill.


It’s a small price to pay for the risk.

Demerit 2. Lower communication speed

The second disadvantage of VPNs is that they reduce communication speed.

Because a VPN creates a communication environment by processing the Internet in place, the communication speed is inevitably slower than if nothing is done.

Nevertheless, there are significant advantages to using a VPN in situations where a VPN is required, even at the expense of some speed.

However, using a VPN with guaranteed communication security is very cost-prohibitive. It is.

For example, you are in Japan and using the communications of a Japanese smartphone carrier, but you have a VPN attached to it. In Japan, where the Internet is highly secure, the communications of major carriers are quite safe.

Putting a VPN there is like wrapping a tightly packed package around a tightly packed package with an even tighter box. It would certainly be safer if there were, but if you protect it that much, it would be rather heavy and hard to move.

Except for remote work, you don’t need a VPN if you just want to sign up for a regular smartphone and lead a normal daily life in Japan.

Disadvantage 3. Hacking if you use malicious services.

The third disadvantage of VPNs is the possibility of information being extracted by using VPNs in reverse.

As explained earlier, VPNs handle private communications. and are not for private communications. If you use a malicious VPN, your personal information may be extracted, so be careful when choosing a VPN.

Difference between paid VPN and free VPN

There are two types of VPNs: paid and free. So what are the differences between paid and free VPNs?

Let’s look at the differences between these services.

Free VPN Features

the right moment

  • Free of charge
  • Can be used immediately after the application is downloaded.
  • Many are easy to operate.

area of concern

  • Safety cannot be guaranteed
  • Communication speed is slow
  • difficult to connect

The beauty of a free VPN is that it doesn’t cost any money.

The free VPN is quite nice as an ease of use, since you can download the application and use it right away. Many of the apps are simple and give the impression of being easy to use.

On the other hand, however, there are considerable dangers in terms of communication security. You can’t complain if you have to give up all your personal information to use the Internet for just a few days….

I’m not saying that all free VPNs are bad, I recommend that you stay away from free VPNs unless you are an expert who can accurately judge which ones are good for you. free VPNs unless you are a professional who can accurately judge which ones are good for you.

Paid VPN Features

the right moment

  • Highly safe
  • Good quality of communication
  • They also comply with the latest regulations in each country.

area of concern

  • It costs money (about $1,000/month)
  • Application procedures are required
  • Cancellation procedure required after use

The advantage of a paid VPN is that you can use the Internet, which is highly secure and has a reasonably satisfactory transmission speed.

Furthermore, each service is constantly updating their applications, so they can quickly respond to the latest Internet regulations that have been created in each country.

On the other hand, however, there are disadvantages : you have to go through the application process after downloading the application, and you have to cancel your subscription after you no longer use the VPN, or you will continue to incur charges.

However, the cost of a VPN is about 1,000 yen per month. If you think of it as Internet insurance, it is about 1/16th of the cost of the National Pension Insurance we usually pay, If you think of it as an Internet insurance policy, it is very cost-effective compared to other types of insurance. If you think of it as an Internet insurance, it is very cost-effective compared to other insurance.

If you are not that familiar with VPNs and how the Internet works, use a paid VPN anyway.

What are the rates for paid VPNs?

VPN (Virtual Private Network) prices vary depending on the type and quality of service provided and the length of the contract.

Generally, basic plans have lower monthly fees, but fees tend to be higher for additional features such as more advanced security features or access to a variety of servers.

In addition, choosing a long-term contract often offers a discount on the monthly fee, making it more cost-effective. Free VPN services also exist, but they can be risky in terms of security and privacy, so choose carefully.

The market price of VPN is about 1,000 yen per month

In general, the monthly fee for VPN service is about ³,000, which is the market rate for a standard plan that provides basic security and privacy features.

This fee includes basic online privacy protection and security enhancements such as data encryption and the assurance of a secure Internet connection. There is a wide range of fees and features offered by different service providers, but typically, more features and advanced security tend to be more expensive.

In addition, rate plans vary by monthly, annual, and even multi-year contract terms, and discounts may be available by choosing a long-term contract. Long-term contracts are more cost-effective for continuous use.

It is important for users to choose the appropriate VPN service for their own needs, taking into account a variety of factors such as security level, server location, connection speed, and number of available devices. Free VPN services also exist, but should be used with caution due to the limited functionality and security risks involved.

Lower rates for long-term contracts.

Many VPN services offer discounts on monthly fees when long-term contracts are selected. Such discounts are especially pronounced when signing an annual contract, allowing users to lower their total costs over the long term.

The main advantage of a long-term contract is the availability of stable service over a long period of time at a lower cost. When choosing a long-term contract, it is important to consider a variety of factors, including quality of service, features offered, security level, and support system.

Also, your needs may change in the future; when choosing a VPN service, evaluate the overall value of the service, not just the discount rate.

Most paid VPNs have a lengthy free trial period.

Many paid VPN services offer a free trial period during which users can test the quality and functionality of the service.

During this period, users can experience first-hand the VPN’s security features, connection speeds, and server coverage, and evaluate the convenience of the service. These free trials are extremely valuable to users and allow them to determine if the service meets their needs.

Through the free trial period, users can also experience the overall quality of the service. The free trial period is especially beneficial for first-time VPN users and provides a valuable opportunity to experience the quality of the service first-hand. Make the most of this period to find the best VPN service for you.

Using a free VPN is a greater financial risk.

The use of free VPN services may seem attractive because there are no upfront costs, but they often come with significant risks regarding security and privacy.

Free services may collect user data or use extensive advertising in order to earn a profit. This increases the risk of data leakage and privacy violations, which may ultimately lead to financial loss.

In addition, free VPNs often have limited security features compared to paid VPNs, and data protection may be inadequate.

Therefore, if security and privacy are your top priorities, a paid VPN service is a better choice. Paid VPNs are generally more secure, offering more advanced encryption technology and a greater emphasis on data protection.

Recommendations for using a paid VPN at a lower cost

There are several points to consider in how to use a paid VPN at a discount. First, many VPN services offer discounts for long-term contracts. Annual or multi-year contracts can significantly reduce monthly fees.

Next, it is also a good idea to take advantage of promotions and sales that are offered during specific time periods. It is also important to compare several services and choose one that has the features you need and is reasonably priced. A free trial period is also a good way to test a service and see if it is right for you.

Utilize the free trial of multiple paid VPNs in sequence.

By taking advantage of the free trial periods offered by several VPN services in turn, you can use a VPN at no cost for a certain period of time. During the trial period, you can actually test the quality, security strength, connection speed, and server options of various VPN services.

Through the free trial, you can also understand the advantages and disadvantages of each service and find the VPN service that best suits your needs.

For short-term use, a free trial may be sufficient. For long-term use of a VPN, formally register with the service that best suits your needs.

A free trial period often allows you to use the full functionality of the service and accurately assess its actual usage. Take advantage of the free trial to find the best VPN service while avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Make it a monthly contract and pay a minimal fee.

Monthly contracts offer lower initial costs than long-term contracts and allow you to use the service for as long as you need it. They are especially suitable for short-term projects, international travel, and temporary security needs.

If you plan to use the VPN for a long period of time, a long-term contract may be economically advantageous. By choosing a service that matches the length of your usage, you can cut unnecessary costs while still protecting the security and privacy you need.

Sign up for a VPN with a large long-term discount and use it for many years.

If you plan to use the VPN for a long period of time, you can save money by using a VPN service that offers long-term discounts.

Many VPN services offer discounts for annual or multi-year contracts. These long-term contracts allow users to receive stable, inexpensive service over the long term.

In addition, long-term contracts are for continuous use, so you receive consistent service and can continue to use the system in the environment you are accustomed to.

When making a long-term contract, carefully consider the quality of the service, the features offered, and the level of security. Long-term contracts are especially suitable for users who will be using VPNs for long periods of time for business or private use, and offer stable service at a low cost.

Types and Purpose of VPNs

We have introduced VPNs, but in fact, there are four types of VPNs.

Frankly, there is nothing wrong with ordinary people not knowing this much, but those who are creating a remote work environment need to be a bit more careful.

Let us now introduce the four types of VPNs.

Internet Virtual Private Network

Internet VPN creates a virtual private network through a common Internet connection.

It creates a secure “tunnel” over the general Internet to protect the user’s data, as described in ” How VPNs Work “. This tunnel is isolated from normal Internet communications and the data is encrypted, preventing third parties from intercepting or eavesdropping on the data.

If you want to protect the security of public free WiFi Internet VPN is recommended for those who want to protect the security of public free WiFi.


You’re the most normal type.

Entry VPN (Remote Access VPN)

Entry VPN is a VPN that allows users to securely connect to a company’s internal network via the Internet. It allows remote workers and business travelers to securely access the company network from their homes or hotels.

People who work remotely (telework) and do company work from outside the company are actually using entry VPNs.


IP-VPN is a VPN that allows companies to communicate securely between multiple locations. It uses a dedicated network (usually provided by a telecommunications carrier) rather than the Internet. This guarantees communication quality and is considered to be highly secure. It is used by large companies to exchange large amounts of data between multiple locations.

Companies with branch offices accessing the same database, for example, may may use IP-VPN.

wide area ethernet

Wide Area Ethernet is a wide-area extension of a regular Local Area Network (LAN). This allows remote offices and data centers to share a network as if they were in the same building.

Wide-area Ethernet is usually capable of high-speed, large-capacity data transfer and uses a dedicated network provided by a telecommunications carrier.

What is a VPN for individuals and businesses?

 Internet Virtual Private NetworkEntry VPNIP-VPNwide area ethernet
Purpose of UseindividualEmployee (when doing company business)businessbusiness
Quality of communicationusuallyusuallygoodgood
Types and Purpose of VPNs

In conclusion, Internet VPN is recommended for personal VPN use.

Internet VPN is the most common VPN and can be used mainly in the following situations

  • Accessing Japanese communications from abroad
  • Breaking Through China’s Internet Restrictions
  • Accessing overseas communications from Japan
  • Increased security for free WiFi

For personal use of a VPN, you can choose an Internet VPN!

In addition, VPNs for individuals are basically Internet VPNs, so there is no need for us to choose one in particular. On the contrary, when a company chooses a VPN, we often have a detailed discussion with the person in charge, from choosing the type to installation.


For personal use, normal purchase is acceptable!

How to use VPN

Let’s take a look at how VPNs are used.

VPN Usage Flow

First, let us introduce the process of VPN use.


First, choose a VPN you like. Refer to the ones listed in ” Recommended VPNs ” to find the VPN that will be your partner from now on. Most VPNs have a free trial period, so we recommend you to try at least 3 VPNs. It is recommended to try at least 3 VPNs.


Once you have chosen a VPN, you can apply for each. Basically, you will be able to use the service as soon as you apply. Also, because the VPN website itself may be access blocked in China, It is recommended that you apply for a VPN while you are in Japan. It is recommended that you apply for a VPN while you are in Japan.


Once you have applied for a VPN, it is time for the initial setup. However, all you need to do is download the application and enter your user ID and password. Internet communication is also required at this point, so it is recommended to prepare in advance.


First, connect to the Internet as usual; the VPN itself does not have the ability to connect to the Internet, so use the local Internet.


Once you are connected to the Internet, open the application you prepared in STEP 3.


button on the app’s screen. button on the app screen to turn on VPN and you are done! That’s it! The VPN will work by itself just by doing this. Tap the button again to turn off the VPN.


As described above, using a VPN is easier than you might imagine.

If I had to guess, I would say that some people take their time in STEP 3. Just, The user ID and password are provided in the e-mail you receive after application. So, you can keep that email in a safe place.

Can I use a PC and a smartphone together?

Depending on the type of VPN you use, most VPNs allow Multiple devices can connect at the same time (e.g., a VPN can connect to multiple devices at the same time).

So by signing up for one VPN, you can connect your smartphone, computer, and tablet to the VPN at the same time.


I was also writing a report on my computer while watching YouTube on my phone!

If you downloaded the smartphone version of the application and the computer version of the application in STEP 3 described in ” How to Use VPN,you can use each of them through the same procedure.

Also, It is also possible to connect multiple phones at the same time So, you can divide the cost among your friends. However, the speed slows down a bit when you connect multiple phones at the same time, so be creative about it.

VPN can be turned on only when you want.

As is often the case with VPN users, I left my VPN on when I thought my phone was slow! It’s a case of “I left my VPN on when I thought my phone was too slow!

I don’t really have a problem with it, but there are situations in my daily life where I need a VPN and situations where I don’t. If I leave the VPN on when I don’t need it, I feel like I’m missing out a bit because it just unnecessarily lowers my communication speed.


This is a real thing.

Even in such cases, VPN can be turned on and off with a single tap. You can turn it on and off as quickly as turning on a light switch in your room, so use it only when you need it.

Comparison of recommended VPNs and ranking by purpose

We will now compare recommended VPNs by purpose of use.

There are many excellent VPNs available today, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses, It is recommended that you choose a VPN that plays to your strengths for the purpose you want to focus on. It is recommended that you choose the VPN that best suits the purpose you want to focus on.

Lowest fee ranking

Top 3 recommended VPNs with excellent cost performance

VPN NameRecommended usage periodmonthly amount (sum)Official Site
wall cat VPN1 month to 1 year480 yenhttps://wallcats.net/
CyberGhostVPN1 to 2 years320 yenhttps://www.cyberghostvpn.com/
NordVPNMore than 2 years374 yenhttps://nordvpn.com/
Top 3 recommended VPNs with excellent cost performance
orderVPN Namemonthly amount (sum)
1st place快连 VPN316 yen
2nd placeBlue Lamp VPN362 yen
3rd placeAvastVPN515 yen
4th place极光VPN542 yen
5th placeYoshinosuke VPN850 yen
6th placewall cat VPN880 yen
7th placeRapidVPN977 yen
8th placeGlocalVPN990 yen
9th placefugu VPN1,000 yen
10th placeWatermelon VPN1,045 yen
10 cheap VPNs for a one-month contract
orderVPN Namemonthly amount (sum)
1st place快连 VPN316 yen
2nd placeBlue Lamp VPN362 yen
3rd placeAvastVPN515 yen
4th place极光VPN542 yen
5th placepandaVPN542 yen
6th placewall cat VPN580 yen
7th placeRapidVPN678 yen
8th placeoperaVPN700 yen
9th placeIPVanish723 yen
10th placeYoshinosuke VPN791 yen
10 cheap VPNs for a 6-month contract
orderVPN Namemonthly amount (sum)
1st place快连 VPN316 yen
2nd placepandaVPN338 yen
2nd placeFastestVPN338 yen
4th placeBlue Lamp VPN362 yen
5th placeAtlasVPN418 yen
6th place极光VPN429 yen
7th placePureVPN440 yen
8th placeHideMyAssVPN469 yen
9th placewall cat VPN480 yen
10th placeAvastVPN515 yen
10 cheap VPNs for 12-month contracts
VPN Name1 month3 months6 months12 months24 months36 months
快连 VPN316 yen316 yen316 yen316 yen316 yen316 yen
Blue Lamp VPN362 yen362 yen362 yen362 yen362 yen362 yen
AvastVPN515 yen515 yen515 yen515 yen408 yen408 yen
极光VPN542 yen542 yen542 yen429 yen357 yen393 yen
Yoshinosuke VPN850 yen827 yen791 yen708 yen708 yen708 yen
wall cat VPN880 yen780 yen580 yen480 yen480 yen480 yen
RapidVPN977 yen839 yen678 yen673 yen673 yen673 yen
GlocalVPN990 yen990 yen990 yen990 yen990 yen990 yen
fugu VPN1,000 yen1,000 yen850 yen650 yen650 yen650 yen
Watermelon VPN1,045 yen940 yen888 yen836 yen788 yen812 yen
HideMyAssVPN1,099 yen1,099 yen1,099 yen469 yen469 yen299 yen
Sekai VPN1,100 yen1,100 yen1,100 yen1,100 yen1,100 yen1,100 yen
Mooncake VPN1,100 yen990 yen935 yen935 yen935 yen935 yen
operaVPN1,125 yen1,125 yen700 yen560 yen560 yen560 yen
SpiderVPN1,219 yen1,219 yen1,219 yen539 yen403 yen363 yen
VPN.ac1,224 yen1,088 yen1,088 yen652 yen510 yen581 yen
IvacyVPN1,353 yen1,353 yen1,353 yen542 yen542 yen542 yen
KeepSolidVPN1,358 yen1,358 yen1,358 yen680 yen680 yen377 yen
pandaVPN1,358 yen950 yen542 yen338 yen338 yen338 yen
StrongVPN1,360 yen1,360 yen1,360 yen792 yen792 yen792 yen
FastestVPN1,360 yen1,360 yen1,360 yen338 yen338 yen150 yen
AtlasVPN1,398 yen1,398 yen1,398 yen418 yen418 yen241 yen
PureVPN1,489 yen1,489 yen1,489 yen440 yen440 yen270 yen
IPVanish1,494 yen723 yen723 yen542 yen542 yen542 yen
ZenMateVPN1,494 yen1,494 yen1,494 yen610 yen610 yen205 yen
NordVPN1,625 yen1,625 yen1,625 yen782 yen447 yen374 yen
Millen VPN1,628 yen1,628 yen1,628 yen1,078 yen1,078 yen968 yen
ExpressVPN1,761 yen1,761 yen1,358 yen907 yen907 yen907 yen
SurfsharkVPN1,761 yen1,761 yen1,761 yen542 yen542 yen338 yen
BufferedVPN1,766 yen1,766 yen1,358 yen1,122 yen1,122 yen1,122 yen
CyberGhostVPN1,790 yen1,790 yen1,000 yen1,000 yen320 yen458 yen
VyperVPN2,040 yen2,040 yen2,040 yen1,132 yen1,132 yen1,132 yen
Secure VPN3,290 yen3,290 yen3,290 yen3,290 yen3,290 yen3,290 yen
FLET’S VPN Wide4,180 yen4,180 yen4,180 yen4,180 yen4,180 yen4,180 yen
Gigaraku VPN14,000 yen14,000 yen14,000 yen14,000 yen14,000 yen14,000 yen
VPN Pryo21,300 yen21,300 yen21,300 yen21,300 yen21,300 yen21,300 yen
Softbank smartVPN118,000 yen118,000 yen118,000 yen118,000 yen118,000 yen118,000 yen
VPN Cat0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
University of Tsukuba VPNgate0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
佛跳墙 VPN0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
Old King VPN0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
蚂蚁VPN0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
shuttle VPN0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
Yinhe VPN0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
Green VPN0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen0 yen
Comparison of monthly fees for each VPN service in terms of the number of months of use

Basis for Ranking of Lowest Rates

  • The low price ranking is based on the total of 1-month, 6-month, and 12-month prices listed on the official website of each VPN service.
  • COSPA is an evaluation of the quality of a VPN multiplied by the low cost of the VPN. In addition to the low price on this ranking, the ranking in other rankings is used as a reference.

Communication Speed Ranking

orderVPN Name
1st placeNordVPN
2nd placeExpressVPN
3rd placeCyberGhostVPN
4th placeSurfsharkVPN
5th placewall cat VPN
6th placeWatermelon VPN
7th placeMillen VPN
8th placeAtlasVPN
9th placePureVPN
10th placeSrongVPN
Communication speed ranking (only personal VPNs are compared)

Basis for communication speed ranking

  • The communication speed ranking is based on the actual values measured by the author using a VPN and information obtained through user surveys.
  • Speed Test Master ” is used for speed measurement, and “Oppo Reno 5A” is used as the actual device.
  • Since there is no uniformity in measurements and timing of measurements, we refer not only to actual measured values, but also to overall evaluation and experience values reviewed by multiple people.
  • The ease of connection and experience of communication in each region are based on user surveys conducted by our company.
  • Because communication speed depends on its environment, this ranking may not necessarily be reproduced.

Comparison of the number of supported video views

orderVPN NameNetflixparaviAmazonPrimeVideoAbema (Japanese brand of haloperidol)U-NextHuluDazn.TVerFODDisney+.DMMTVdTVwavveweTVBBC iPlayer
1st placeNordVPN               
2nd placeWatermelon VPN               
3rd placeSurfsharkVPN               
4th placeMillen VPN               
5th place wall cat VPN               
6th placeSekai VPN               
7th placeExpressVPN               
Comparison of the number of supported video views

Basis for ranking the number of video viewing responses

  • The ranking of the number of video streaming services supported is based on the video streaming service support listed on the official website of each VPN service, and the ranking is based on the number of “◯” marks in descending order.
  • The video distribution services used as evaluation criteria are those that are mainstream in Japan.

Ease of Use Ranking

orderVPN Name
1st placeExpressVPN
2nd placeWatermelon VPN
3rd placeSurfsharkVPN
4th placeNordVPN
5th placeVPN Cat
6th placeMillen VPN
7th placewall cat VPN
8th placeSekai VPN
9th placeYoshinosuke VPN
10th placefugu VPN
Ease of Use Ranking

Basis for Ease of Use Ranking

  • The ease-of-use ranking reflects the author’s evaluation of actual VPN use.
  • Some VPNs are rated based on opinions obtained from user surveys, the application’s screen structure, supported languages, and simplicity at the time of introduction.

Comfort level ranking for games

orderVPN Name
1st placeExpressVPN
2nd placeNordVPN
3rd placeSurfsharkVPN
4th placeVyprVPN
5th placeCyberGhostVPN
6th placeWatermelon VPN
7th placeSekai VPN
8th placeMillen VPN
9th placewall cat VPN
10th placeFastestVPN
Comfort level ranking for games

Basis for ranking comfort level with the game

  • The basis for the ranking of comfort level with the game is based on the communication status at the time of game launch and the presence of server countries that are advantageous in the game.
  • We also rely on the opinions of people we know who are familiar with games in which the use of VPNs, such as reviews and APEX, obtained through user surveys, is advantageous in game play.

Ranking of VPNs with proven track record of use and trustworthiness

orderVPN NameTrust Score (out of 10)
1st placeSekai VPN10
2nd placeExpressVPN9
2nd placewall cat VPN9
2nd placeNordVPN9
2nd placeWatermelon VPN9
2nd placeSurfsharkVPN9
7th placeYoshinosuke VPN8
7th placeCyberGhostVPN8
7th placeUniversity of Tsukuba VPNgate8
7th placefugu VPN7
7th placeMooncake VPN7
7th placeStrongVPN7
7th placeMillen VPN7
8th placeAvastVPN6
8th placeGlocalVPN6
Ranking of the most secure and reliable VPNs

Ranking of VPNs with proven track record of use and trustworthiness

  • The ranking of VPNs with a proven track record of use and reliability is based on the following criteria: the operating company has a long history of operation, is a Japanese-affiliated company, has a high name recognition, and is listed on a stock exchange.
  • The reliability of a VPN is of utmost importance to Japanese who are not familiar with VPNs and can use it without any concerns, and is not intended as a review or critique of the company’s performance rating.

Simultaneous connection ranking

orderVPN NameNumber of simultaneous connections
1st placeSurfsharkVPNlimitless
2nd placeAtlasVPNlimitless
3rd placeUniversity of Tsukuba VPNgatelimitless
4th placeZenMateVPNlimitless
5th place极光VPNlimitless
6th place快连 VPNlimitless
7th placeSpiderVPNlimitless
8th placeYinhe VPNlimitless
9th placeGreen VPNlimitless
Concurrent connections ranking (unlimited section)

Restricted items

orderVPN NameNumber of simultaneous connections
1st placeWatermelon VPN47
2nd placeStrongVPN12
3rd placeMillen VPN10
3rd placeAvastVPN10
3rd placeIvacyVPN10
3rd placeIPVanish10
3rd placeFastestVPN10
3rd placePureVPN10
3rd placeVyperVPN10
10th placeCyberGhostVPN7
11th佛跳墙 VPN6
Ranking of the number of simultaneous connections (restricted section)

Basis for Simultaneous Connections Ranking

  • The ranking of the number of simultaneous connections is based on the number of simultaneous connections available on the official website of each VPN service.
  • VPNs with unlimited simultaneous connections are ranked into two categories, unlimited and limited, because there is a large difference in terms of form and communication quality.

Support friendliness ranking

orderVPN Nameprimary factor
1st placewall cat VPNJapanese language support is available.
The person in charge is kind. They respond to requests outside of the manual.
They provide daily information on how to respond to regulations.
2nd placeExpressVPNResponse time is super fast, even though Japanese is not supported.
The reply will be in English, but they will respond even if we send it in Japanese.
I am glad that they use easy-to-understand English & more expressions of care.
Good compensating response to problems.
3rd placeSekai VPNJapanese language support is available.
They give manual but accurate advice.
4th placeNordVPNAlthough it does not support Japanese, I feel it is kind.
The advice is accurate and easy to understand.
5th placeMillen VPNJapanese language support is available.
I feel the ambition to deliver better service than the competition.
Support friendliness ranking (from Japanese perspective)

Basis for Support Friendliness Ranking

  • The support friendliness ranking is based on the number of languages in which the VPN operator responds to and responds to inquiries sent to the VPN operator, as well as the content of information provided by the operator.

Recommended personal VPNs for use abroad by country

Next, we recommend VPNs for use abroad.

Since the Internet environment overseas differs from that in Japan, and in some cases security is poor, choose a service that is suited to the conditions in each country.

Recommended VPNs with servers in Japan

First, we recommend VPNs with servers in Japan as the content for nationwide support. Having a server in Japan means, you can use Japanese communications from abroad. from overseas.

To create the same Internet environment while living abroad as you do in Japan, check for VPNs with servers in Japan.

The following VPNs are recommended for connecting to Japanese sites from abroad.

Recommended VPNs in China

Top 3 recommended VPNs available in China

orderVPN NameRecommendationMeasures against ChinaEase of connectioncommunication speedease of usemonthly amount (sum)Official Site
1st placewall cat VPN     From 480 yenhttps://wallcats.net/
2nd placeExpressVPN     907 yen and uphttps://go.expressvpn.com/c/5658766/1635413/16063
3rd placeSekai VPN     1,100 yenhttps://www.interlink.or.jp/service/sekaivpn/
Top 3 recommended VPNs available in China

There are three key factors to consider when choosing a recommended VPN for use in China

  • Do you have China-specific regulatory measures in place?
  • Is it easy to connect from China?
  • Is there sufficient transmission speed?

In China, VPNs are especially difficult to connect on days and holidays when there are political events, so we recommend that you choose a VPN that is updated daily to keep up with developments in China.

In this respect, the three companies introduced above are China-focused VPN services, with the majority of users being residents in China. Among them, Kabeneko VPN is highly evaluated for its proactive attitude toward China, such as sending out e-mails on the Chinese regulatory situation in China itself.

A further point that is often forgotten, The strength of the connection must be strong enough to connect even with weak WiFi indoors. even in a weak WiFi connection indoors.

In China, the Internet is quite weak in some places. If you use a VPN when the original connection is slow, the connection may become even slower and you may not be able to do anything.


Among the VPNs I tried, Kabeneko VPN’s ease of connection and speed were the best!

I really recommend Kabeneko VPN because of its low rates.

If you plan to use a VPN in China, you should definitely use Kabeneko VPN.

List of recommended VPNs

This is followed by a brief introduction to the recommended VPNs.


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions5 units (up to 5 units can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: $12.95 (¥1,761)/month
6 months: $9.99 (¥1,358)/month
12 months: $6.67 (¥907)/month
ExpressVPN Features

30日間返金保証& 3ヶ月無料の特別割引


30日間返金保証& 3ヶ月無料 + 料金65%OFF



Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: $11.95 ($1,625) per month
1 year: $5.75 ($782) per month
2 years: $3.29 ($447) per month
3 years: $2.75 ($374) per month
NordVPN Features

30日間返金保証& 3ヶ月無料 + 料金65%OFF


wall cat VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions4 sessions (up to 4 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: 880 yen/month
3 months: 2,340 yen (780 yen/month)
6 months: 3,480 yen (580 yen/month)
12 months: 5,760 yen (480 yen/month)
Features of Kabe-Neko VPN



Sekai VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1,100 yen/month
Sekai VPN Features



Watermelon VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions47 sessions (one account can connect up to 47 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: 1,045 yen
3 months: 2,822 yen (940 yen/month)
6 months: 5,333 yen (888 yen/month)
1 year: 10,032 yen (836 yen/month)
2 years: 18,920 yen (788 yen/month)
Watermelon VPN Features


Millen VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions10 sessions (one account can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: 1,628 yen/month
1 year: 1,078 yen/month
3 years: 968 yen/month
Miren VPN Features



Yoshinosuke VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionsShort term/light: 2 sessions (maximum of 2 simultaneous connections per account)
General: 3 sessions
VIP: 4 sessions
Short-term plan fee3 days: ¥170/month
1 week: ¥340/month
2 weeks: ¥510/month
3 weeks: ¥680/month
Light Course Fee1 month: 850 yen/month
3 months: 2,482 yen (827 yen/month)
6 months: 4,743 yen (791 yen/month)
1 year: 8,500 yen (708 yen/month)
General Course Fees1 month: 1,020 yen/month
3 months: 2,992 yen (997 yen/month)
6 months: 5,695 yen (949 yen/month)
1 year: 10,200 yen (850 yen/month)
VIP Plan1 month: 1,360 yen/month
3 months: 3,978 yen (1,326 yen/month)
6 months: 7,582 yen (1,264 yen/month)
1 year: 13,600 yen (1,133 yen/month)
Ryonosuke VPN Features




Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Charge1 month: 1,398 yen/month
1 year: 418 yen/month
3 years: 241 yen/month
AtlasVPN Features

夏限定85%OFF + 3ヶ月無料



Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Charge1 month: $12.95 (¥1,761)/month
12 months: $3.99 (¥542)/month
24 months: $2.49 (¥338)/month
SurfsharkVPN Features




Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions7 sessions (one account can connect up to 7 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: 1,790 yen/month
6 months: 1,000 yen/month
2 years + 2 months plan: 8,320 yen (320 yen/month)
CyberGhostVPN Features



Mooncake VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: 1,100 yen/month
3 months: 990 yen/month
6 months: 935 yen/month
Mooncake VPN Features

fugu VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Light Plan Rates3 months: 1,000 yen/month
6 months: 850 yen/month
1 year: 650/month
Standard Plan Rates3 months: 1,500 yen/month
6 months: 1,275 yen/month
1 year: 975 yen/month
Platinum Plan Rates3 months: ¥2,500/month
6 months: ¥2,125/month
1 year: ¥1,625/month
Fugu VPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions1 session (1 account can connect up to 1 device at the same time)
VPN Cat Features

Norton Secure VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 unit version: ¥3,290/year
3 units version: ¥3,890/year
Deluxe version: ¥7,680/year
Norton Secure VPN Features

Avast Secure Line VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions10 sessions (one account can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 year: ¥515/month
2 years: ¥408/month
3 years: ¥408/month
Avast Secure Line VPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions12 sessions (one account can connect up to 12 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $10.00 (¥1,360)/month
1 year: $69.99 (¥9,518) ($5.83 (¥792)/month)
StrongVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions1 session (1 account can connect up to 1 device at the same time)
Charge990 yen/month
GlocalVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions10 sessions (one account can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $10.99 (¥1,494)/month
3 months: $5.32 (¥723)/month
1 year: $3.99 (¥542)/month
IPVanishVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions10 sessions (one account can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $10.95 (¥1,489)/month
1 year: $3.24 (¥440)/month
2 years: $1.99 (¥270)/month
PureVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions10 sessions (one account can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $10 (1,360 yen)/month
1 year: $2.49 (338 yen)/month
3 years: $1.11 (150 yen)/month
FastestVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions10 sessions (one account can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $9.95 (¥1,353)/month
1 year: $3.99 (¥542)/month
5 years: $1.19 (¥161)/month
IvacyVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions5 sessions (one account can connect up to 5 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: ¥1,099/month
12 months: ¥469/month
36 months: ¥299/month
HideMyAssVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions10 sessions (one account can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $15 (¥2,040)/month
12 months: $8.33 (¥1,132)/month
VyprVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions6 sessions (up to 6 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: $9 (¥1,224)/month
3 months: $8 (¥1,088)/month
1 year: $58 (¥7,888) ($4.8 (¥652)/month)
2 years: $90 ($12,240) ($3.75 (¥510)/month)
VPN.ac Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions4 sessions (up to 4 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: $7.19 (¥977)/month
2 months: $13.89 (¥1,889) ($6.95 (¥944)/month)
3 months: $18.5 (¥2,516) ($6.17 (¥839)/month)
6 months: $29.89 (¥4,065) ($4.98 (¥678)/month)
1 year: $59.5 Dollars (8,092 yen) ($4.96 (673 yen)/month)
RapidVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Charge1 month: $10.99 (¥1,494)/month
1 year: $4.49 (¥610)/month
3 years: $1.51 (¥205)/month
ZenMateVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
spider plan fee1 month: $8.97 ($1,219)/month
1 year: $3.97 ($539)/month
2 years: $2.97 ($403)/month
3 years: $2.67 ($363)/month
Plan with lite router6 months: $15.37 (¥2,090) per month
1 year: $8.42 (¥1,145) per month
2 years: $5.07 (¥689) per month
3 years: $3.98 (¥541) per month
Plan with pro router6 months: $21.71 (¥2,952) per month
1 year: $11.46 (¥1,558) per month
2 years: $6.49 (¥882) per month
3 years: $4.84 (¥658) per month
SpiderVPN Features


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions5 sessions (one account can connect up to 5 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $9.99 (¥1,358)/month
1 year: $5/month (¥680)/month
3 years: $99.99 (¥13,598) ($2.78 (¥377)/month)
Buy-in: $199.99 ($27,198)
Features of KeepSolidVPN


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions5 sessions (one account can connect up to 5 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: $12.99 (¥1,766)/month
6 months: $9.99 (¥1,358)/month
1 year: $8.25 (¥1,122)/month
BufferedVPN Features

University of Tsukuba VPNgate

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Features of University of Tsukuba VPNgate

Gigaraku VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
ChargeHigh-end plan: 4,950 yen/unit
High-end LTE plan: 7,700 yen/unit
Enterprise plan: 13,200 yen/unit
High-end plan Type-D: 3,300 yen/unit
Enterprise plan Type-D: 4,620 yen/unit
24-month minimum usage period (with cancellation fee: flat 11, 000 yen) (with cancellation fee: flat rate of 11,000 yen)
Features of Gigaraku VPN


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
ChargePlan 10 (up to 10 locations): ¥1,980
Plan 30 (up to 30 locations): ¥3,300
Plan 100 (up to 100 locations): ¥11,000
Plan 300 (up to 300 locations): ¥33,000
Plan 1000 (up to 1,000 locations): ¥110,000
Plan 10 Plus (up to 10 locations) 11,880 yen
Plan 30 Plus (up to 30 locations): 19,800 yen
Plan 100 Plus (up to 100 locations): 66,000 yen
Plan 300 Plus (up to 300 locations): 198,000 yen
Plan 1000 Plus (up to 1000 locations): 660,000 yen
*All require initial fee of 2,200 yen
Features of FLET’S VPN Wide

VPN Pryo

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Charge(per VPN location)
Installation fee: 14,300 yen
Monthly fee: 7,700 yen
Features of VPN Pryo

Softbank smartVPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionsSessions (one account can connect to up to a maximum of units at the same time)
ChargeGuarantee type: from 48,000 yen
Speed type: from 210,000 yen
Value type: from 87,000 yen
Best effort type: from 39,800 yen
Guarantee voice type: from 58,000 yen
Speed voice type: from 252,000 yen
Value voice type: from 105,000
*Initial cost for all: 70,000 yen
Features of SoftBank smartVPN


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions5 sessions (one account can connect up to 5 devices simultaneously)
Charge1 month: 1,125/month
6 months: 4,200 yen (700 yen/month)
1 year: 6,720 yen (560 yen/month)
operaVPN Features

佛跳墙 VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions6 sessions (up to 6 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
佛跳墙VPN Features

Old King VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Features of the Lao Wang VPN


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions5 sessions (one account can connect up to 5 devices simultaneously)
Features of蚂蚁VPN


Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: $9.99 (¥1,358)/month
3 months: $6.99 (¥950)/month
6 months: $3.99 (¥542)/month
1 year: $2.49 (¥338)/month
pandaVPN Features

Transocks (VPNs)

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Barracuda VPN Features

快连 VPN (Lets VPN)

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Charge1 month: $2.33 (316 yen)/month
Features of 快连 VPN (Lets VPN)

Galaxy VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Features of Galaxy VPN (银河 VPN)

极光 VPN (Aurora VPN)

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
Charge1 month: $3.99 (¥542)/month
1 year: $3.16 (¥429)/month
2 years: $2.63 (¥357)/month
极光 VPN (Aurora VPN) Features

Lantern VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessions3 sessions (up to 3 devices can be connected simultaneously under one account)
Charge1 month: $2.66 (361 yen)/month
Lantern VPN Features

Green VPN

Supported OSWindows, MacOS, iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android
Maximum number of sessionslimitless
绿叶VPN Features

Basis for ranking and verification method

The ratings in this article are based on our own research, user surveys, and the experiences of the author and his friends.

User Survey

method of investigationInternet
Survey ConductorsLiterature in the City, Inc.

Please see ” Independent Survey on VPN Use ” for detailed survey results.

Evaluation criteria after data collection

Based on the data obtained from the above survey, each VPN was rated on a five-point scale (5/4/3/2/1), and the overall score was used as the overall rating.

Please note that the ranking always fluctuates due to the continuous nature of the survey.

Image of the evaluation tally sheet used to evaluate the ranking of this site
Image of the evaluation tally sheet used to evaluate the ranking of this site

Reference Site

This is the source of information that this site refers to.

2025年2月VPN Usage Report for

2025年2月We are pleased to present the latest VPN Usage Report for This report is based on an independent VPN user survey conducted by Street Literature, Inc.

2025年2月Ranking of VPN users in

2025年2月The ranking of the number of VPN users for

RankVPN NameOverall scoreNumber of VPNs usedAverage score
3University of Tsukuba VPNgate168295.79
4Sekai VPN101234.39
5VPN Cat.88194.63
6Norton Secure VPN66144.71
8Watermelon VPN2373.29
10Mooncake VPN3775.29
12Millen VPN1653.20
13wall cat VPN1644.00
14Fugu VPN2337.67
17Yoshinosuke VPN1535.00
34Old King VPN717.00
35Barracuda VPN717.00
36Gigaku vpn616.00
37kaiyan vpn515.00
39blue light vpn717.00
40Yinhe vpn919.00
44Panda VPN010.00
46Kaspersky VPN010.00
52FLET’S VPN Wide00 
53VPN Pryo00 
55v6 plus VPN00 
56Softbank smartVPN00 
58Rakuten Mobile VPN00 
59Fosun VPN00 
64Extreme Light VPN00 
66Green Fate VPN00 

2025年2月VPN Average Score Ranking of

2025年2月The average VPN score ranking of the

RankVPN RankingPointsNumber of useAverage score
3University of Tsukuba VPNgate168295.79
4Sekai VPN101234.39
5VPN Cat.88194.63
6Norton Secure VPN66144.71
8Mooncake VPN3775.29
9Watermelon VPN2373.29
10Fugu VPN2337.67
14wall cat VPN1644.00
15Millen VPN1653.20
17Yoshinosuke VPN1535.00
21Yinhe vpn919.00
28Old King VPN717.00
29Barracuda VPN717.00
30blue light vpn717.00
34Gigaku vpn616.00
36kaiyan vpn515.00
42FLET’S VPN Wide00 
43VPN Pryo00 
45v6 plus VPN00 
46Softbank smartVPN00 
48Rakuten Mobile VPN00 
49Fosun VPN00 
54Extreme Light VPN00 
56Green Fate VPN00 
62Panda VPN010.00
64Kaspersky VPN010.00

-New Arrivals